Monday, April 9, 2012

Welcome to Alchemy’s Tattoos !!!

Welcome to Alchemy’s Tattoos, Mumbai one of the best tattoo studio. Alchemy’s Tattoos is an established and reputable tattoo shop with experienced tattoo artist

At Alchemy’s Tattoos, our tattoo artist and staff are fully trained and experienced, so you can feel confident and secure that you are in safe hands of an expert.

Our premises are modern, clean and hygienic. All our equipment is sterilized and disposable.
If you are considering a tattoo then you can either have your own custom design or choose from one of our thousands of tattoo designs. We also specialize in cover ups and temporary (airbrush) tattoos.

Check out the tattoo gallery on facebook

Check out our tattoo slideshow on youtube.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tattoo as a Religion

A design of tattoo that is rapidly becoming popular in both men and women is the star. Females aim for the smaller stars and others go for the stars that are more nautical or masculine. Some choose to have the tattoo on a certain part of the body and others relate their life in a way to the stars.

One of the most popular star tattoo ideas is to symbolize a goal. Some people get a star tattoo as a way to remind themselves to never give up on their dream no matter what happens or what stands in their way. It can symbolize their desire and determination to fulfill their goal.

Astronomy can be another reason a person may choose a star tattoo. It can symbolize a person’s desire to learn all they can about either heaven or heavenly bodies. A person may have a deep interest in astronomy and when they see their star tattoo they are reminded of it. They can also resemble an important event in their life. For example getting married, becoming part of a religion, or simply changing their lifestyle. Here are a few more star tattoo ideas to consider.

Nautical Star Design

In the olden days when compasses were not yet invented, people used to use the stars as a guide to help them navigate. Sailors would often times wear a type of nautical star as a way to guide them in long journeys and now this superstitious belief has carried further on.


There are many different meaning to this star. It has five points to it and one example is that four of the five points are symbolizing the elements of wind, earth, water and fire. The fifth point can symbolize the spirit of the elements.

Shooting Star

Shooting star tattoos can have many meanings as well. They can represent an event in a person’s life that has had an impact on them or a change that has happened to them. It can represent a job, a certain person or even a romance that was short lived.

These are just a few star tattoo ideas. There are many ways to make this type of tattoo fit your own personal style or life however you want. They can be used in just about every part of the body you choose.

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